Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 23rd, 2012

I only have a couple of pictures this week.  Not much that I did was worth a picture.  Just a lot of deburring and flanging parts getting ready to prime them.

Used my home made flanging tool (originally got the idea from the Van's 26 years of the RVator book) to flange all the seat ribs and bulkheads.

From Fuselage

The way this tool works is it has a wooden "anvil" mounted to a sheet of plywood that is angled backwards at 11 degrees.  By placing the rib/whatever on the surface,  putting the moveable lever inside (it is also cut at an 11 degree angle) and pushing the rib back against the anvil, the flange will be bent and then spring back to exactly square.  You can go through ribs like mad with this thing.  What a great idea.  I just made it out of some random stuff I had laying around.  Definitely a great time saver.

Here are all the seat ribs after flanging.

From Fuselage

Here are some of the fuselage bulkheads after deburring and flanging.

From Fuselage

These are the aft most fuselage bulkheads after flanging and cleaning up in preparation for priming.

From Fuselage

I wanted to get as many of these done ahead of time as possible so that I would be able to keep working without having to stop and prime every day or two.