Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 7th, 2013

Needless to say there has been a lot going on (Becca graduated from High School, Paul & Becky's wedding, electrical problems with Becca's car, repairing/replacing raillings in porch and repairing some rot in one of the columns, new thermostat for Becca's car, working on the Ody for a long road trip, SOAR for Becca at UNCC, Daytona vacation, and repairing some old fence sections and replacing a rotted fence post among other things).

I have been working on the project as time permits, but haven't taken the time to post an update in a while.

Since the last update I've match drilled and installed the aft seat skins, installed the hinges for the seat attachments, fabricated and installed the tunnel support cover, and started working on the crotch strap attach brackets.