Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 10th, 2012

This week I made some pretty good progress.

Drilled the conduit holes in the right main ribs for the wing wiring.  I'll be installing the black nylon conduit from Van's in the lower middle holes, and the black nylon bushings for the smaller holes.

When working on the left wing I made a jig from plywood to make sure the holes are all aligned (works on both left and right handed ribs).

From Right Wing

The pilot hole is then enlarged with a step drill to accept the conduit. The conduit holes are the small holes in the bottom middle of the ribs.

From Right Wing

Test fit all the ribs to make sure everything was correct.  There are several different types of ribs with flanges facing in two different directions, and orientation is important.  I clecoed everything together, marked it all, then went over the plans rib by rib several times to make sure it was all correct.

From Right Wing

Got the main ribs riveted to the main and rear spar (fyi - there are *two* sets of ribs - the main ones which are by far the longer and form the major portion of the wing, and the nose ribs, which are forward of the main spar and form the leading edge of the wing.  the fuel tank is in the inboard portion of the leading edge).  The nose ribs and tank are done later in the process.

From Right Wing
One thing I did this time that helped - I used a thin piece of scrap to help keep the bucking bar aligned when riveting along the spar reinforcement bars.  It helped a lot.
From Right Wing