Tuesday, July 16, 2019

July 2019 - IPC (Instrument Proficiency Check)

Did my IPC Sunday morning.

Beastly hot, 1.9 on the hobbs, ATC busier than I've ever heard them (had to call 5 times to get a practice RNAV).   Usually Sunday mornings are good days to practice cause it's relatively quiet - I've even had the controllers thank me because they were bored.  Not to be.

The 360 on the next to last non-precision (with a circle to land) was traffic coming right at us that didn't see us or listen on the radio, so I had to deconflict under the hood while Duane made sure we were clear of all the traffic.  On the picture that would be the little loop on the upper right after getting vectors to the approach.  It's not round because I had to reorient and reintercept the approach course.

As always, it was a workout, but also a lot of fun and I learned a lot.

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

IPC done.

Repeat after me "I will not get out of IFR currency again....)"
