There are a couple of things I need to fix. On the passenger side, there is a fairly large "underbite" so that the lower cowl is nearly 1/4" shorter than the upper. I did a lot of googling and thinking about it and decided the best solution was just to lay up a layer of micro and sand it to the shape I need to bring it in line with the upper cowl, then sand it slightly undersize and glass over it to give it the strength it needs.
Here's an old shot that shows what it looked like before.
The upper cowl is about 1/4" to 5/32" longer. I considered several options including cutting the cowl and extending it out. After a lot of thought I decided to just shim it out with filler (mostly flox) and glassing over it. That seemed like the best way for me to have a shot at it coming out looking pretty reasonable.

I filled it out until it was oversize, then sanded it down so it was just undersized, and then glassed it over. I also reinforced the inner edge where it was a bit thin and built up the flange a bit where it was too short.

The inner flanges on either side of the propeller don't fit very well. They are both a bit thin, and they also don't extend down evenly on either side and also don't extend to the flange, which is fine structurally but doesn't look particularly good.
I decided to extend the flange with flox and glass. This is after extending it downward but prior to trimming.
I'll add some additional shots when I do the other side and start working on the cowl again.