Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Early January, 2014

Haven't posted anything in a while so I thought I'd throw something up just to let people know I haven't stopped working (if anything I'm more motivated than ever).

I waited a bit too long to order my finish kit, so I've been in a bit of a holding pattern.  Finish kit should be here sometime around Jan 27th.

That gave me time to do a lot of thinking, which is good, cause I've got some major decisions coming up.  Engine - what, where, when, who, how, and panel.

What: carbureted O-320 fixed pitch

Who/Where:  Aero Sport Power, Aero Engines (Winchester, VA), ECI Titan from a kit with local help, used that I haven't found yet, new Lycoming from Van's, ECI Titan from the factory, JB aircraft engines.  Used & rebuild also possible, but I don't want to buy someone's else's problems.

Panel - more questions that I can imagine.  Probably Dynon Skyview or a Garmin 3x.  Making inquiries w/Stein, Doug Reeves @ VAF and tons of other folks for opinions/ideas.  Feel free to chime in with your own take.  Planning to start day/night VFR but want to end up w/full IFR without having to gut the panel.

More to follow.
