Sunday, February 10, 2013

February 10th, 2013

This week I worked on the spacers and support brackets for the fuel tank attach brackets. I don't know what it was about these things, but I had to make more of these than any other part so far.

 Ended up going through 5 parts to get 2 good ones.  I would make a part I was really happy with, then either drill it incorrectly, or make a cut in the wrong spot and have to start over.  Thankfully Vans gave me miles of .125 3/4 x 3/4, so I would just start another one and carry on.

 There's not a lot to see on this. There is a bracket on the inside, a spacer between the F9101 gear attach web and the skin, and then finally on the outside there will be an attach bracket that will bolt to the bracket on the fuel tank. The inboard structure is to beef up the area to provide enough support for the tank attach bracket.

Started off making a couple (left and right) of F996B spacers.  The plans are pretty vague on where this goes, so at first I used the spacer itself inside the two longerons to see about where it would fit.

From Fuselage

Next I fabricated a right handed F996C bracket. The bracket is made from .125 x 3/4 x 3/4 angle, there are various holes and cuts you have to make so it will fit between the longerons and line up with everything.

From Fuselage

Here's the part when it is more or less finished.

From Fuselage

Once I had the angle fabricated I realized my initial guess on the location was too far aft. Eventually I ended up measuring the drawings and scaling up the measurement and determined there was a rivet hole that matched the location shown on the plans, so I put it there.

Once all the parts are correct you match drill the angle, spacer and F9101 web to the longerons.

From Fuselage

Finally, a couple of "keeper" rivets hold it together.  

From Fuselage

Eventually the 4 remaining holes will be enlarged to 3/16" for some AN3 bolts that will bolt the attach angle to the brackets and the brackets to the web and longerons.  That happens later when getting ready to mount the wings.