Technically you're supposed to cleco everything together and match drill. I like to go a bit beyond and trial fit a bit more just to get a feel for how everything goes together and as a sanity check to make sure everything looks reasonable and I have a good understanding of what is happening.
Here's the wing with the nose ribs, main ribs and "J" stringer put together.
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Riveting the main ribs to the rear spar.
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Riveting the main ribs to the front spar. These guys take some doing because it's fairly tight by the ribs, they're big rivets and you don't want to jimmy up the spar by bouncing the gun or the bucking bar.
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Closeup of some finished rivets.
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Wed evening after it was too late to rivet any more I did a test fit of the skins to see how they fit and make sure everything was aligned properly. Looks a lot more like a wing this way.
From Left Wing |