Still have to finish riveting the skin to the spar for the right HS.
Finished riveting the bottom of the right HS.
Finished bucking the right HS skin to the spar. Riveted the skin to the main ribs. Rivet the outboard rib into place to finish the right HS assembly.
Finally have a component that looks like part of an aircraft.
Start the left HS assembly. Put the skin in the cradle, add the nose ribs in the proper locations and rivet. Had to drill out one rivet on the nose because it swelled between the skin and rib. Also had to drill out one of the ones I squeezed on the inboard rib - got twisted before I squeezed it.
PAY ATTENTION!!!! Make sure the work area is suitable and the angles/setup works!
Rivet the #2 and #4 ribs to the forward spar assembly. Install the spar into the skin and cleco the skin to the spar and ribs.
Starting to look like something!