Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4, 2011 jig, assemble right horiz stab

8 hours

Took a day off today to work on the plane. Incredible weather. Almost 80 and no humidity. Pretty amazingly there was no rain or T/S either. Way too windy to go flying though or I would have.

Started out to work on the horizontal stabilizer jig and realized the other one was warped as well and I hadn't noticed. I'd already glued some cleats on the first one so I did the same to this one then messed around with stuff until it was dry.

Rigged some up gussets so the whole thing would be "plumb and level" as the plans require.

Leveled the table for good measure while I was at it, and discovered that my garage floor is not only not level (I expected a slight slope in the direction of the driveway) but it also slopes to the south. Tsk tsk.

After a lot of fiddling (I tried 3 different gusset ideas before I liked one) I finally had the jig squared away.

Decided to start on the right elevator first. Triple checked everything to make sure I knew which end went forward and which was was "up". Had to laugh at my noob mistake labeling all the parts, though it worked out fine.

When I was labeling everything after match drilling so I could put it back together again I put all the labels on the "bottom", i.e. the bottom flanges of both the ribs and spars. Each rib location had a number (R1, R2, etc). All nice and neat. Guess what is pressed against the skin when you assemble the parts? :)

Still had enough identifying info on the ribs to get by, but still kind of funny.