Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 9th, 2013

Sad week last week. My sister in law's father, John D Hall, USAF retired, passed away May 31st. He was a pilot and Vietnam Veteran with over 750 combat hours in an OV-10 Bronco. He is survived by Linda, his wife of 47 years, 4 brothers and sisters, 4 children, Heidi, John, Jason and Jeff, and 5 grandchildren. We'll miss you John.

 This week I started on the F751 and F652 bulkheads. These are the corrugated vertical panels that cover the back of the baggage compartment. When I was first looking at it and measuring the drawings, it seemed like an 8" radius circle would be about perfect for cutting the upper edge of the F652 bulkhead.

From Fuselage

I often read and look over the plans while eating lunch, and I noticed on one sheet that Van's specified a radius for the cut which I'd overlooked the first time. I'd already laid out the curve from my template, so I made a simple 8 1/2" radius trammel for my sharpie pen to compare them.

From Fuselage

The difference in the curve was so small (especially with the difficulty of getting a decent curve inside the corrugations) that I ended up using the line I'd already drawn. Once I had the curves cut and finished, I clamped & clecoed it into the fuse to make sure it all fit and there was sufficient edge distance all around for the nutplates.

From Fuselage

Saturday, June 1, 2013

June 2nd, 2013

We've been doing the annual on our Cherokee the last few weeks so I haven't had much time to work on the  RV.

As I started working on the baggage compartment floors I realized this and the seat pan area were getting ready to be sealed for good.  I know I want to put at least one comm antenna on the belly, and probably two.  That got me to looking at the floors, good spots, etc.  While I was doing that I realized there was some unfinished business, namely the seat belt anchors, bolt/spacer where the rear spar will attach, and I also missed the rivets at the aft end of the outboard seat ribs.  Went ahead and took care of those and final torqued the bolts.

From Fuselage

Lousy shot, but it shows the seat rib that needed riveted and the attach bolt and spacer where the rear wing spar will install later.

From Fuselage

As I was looking over the forward removable seat skins, I noticed I did not install nutplates on the outboard ribs (no idea why I decided to do that unless I misread the plans - I'd already done all the others when prepping the ribs originally).  At any rate, I went ahead and did those.

From Fuselage

After looking around at various RVs and thinking about how I wanted to do the antennas, I still haven't decided on my final plan, but I did decide to make the left baggage floor removable so that if I want to put an antenna in that area I will be able to.  Turned out to be a lot of nutplates to do that, but I feel more comfortable having the option if I decide to go that way.  I put a K1100-08 or a 21051-L08 nutplate at nearly every rivet location.

From Fuselage

The right side F747-R baggage floor skin was installed conventionally.  It takes about 10-15 minutes to do it this way, and I'd guess about 4 hours to do it so it is removable.

From Fuselage

Left F747-L baggage floor after finishing all the nutplates and screwing it down about half way.  Works great and I think I will be glad I did it this way.

From Fuselage

Time to finish the aft baggage compartment wall/skins.  The upper skin needs some work before it can be match drilled and installed.  The top edges need to be radiused first.  After looking at it and doing some measuring I concluded an 8" radius would be perfect.  I poked around and found a 16" pie pan, made a paper template from it and quartered it.  That will be my cutting template once I verify that it looks reasonable.

From Fuselage
The lower baggage compartment wall is more or less finished, just needs to be match drilled to the upper part of the F706 bulkhead.  I'll start that once I get the top skin trimmed to shape.

From Fuselage